Tuesday, December 11, 2012

....his small heart grew three sizes that day!

I love the line in How the Grinch Stole Christmas that goes "Maybe Christmas", he thought, "doesn't come from a store....Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!"  Sometimes I think those people standing in line at 2:00am at WalMart to buy a 40" flat screen should watch the Grinch movie before they decide on such an endeavor!

What's it all about?
There's a good chance if I asked most people what Christmas is really all about, I'm likely to get a response like, "It's Jesus' birthday."  Because even with all the Christmas shopping and running around and buying presents and all the chaos, I think that most people know what it's really all about, Jesus.  And they are correct, it is all about the birth of Jesus.  But, I wonder what kind of responses I would get if I were to pose a follow-up question, "sooo, why is that important?"  I'd be curious to hear some of those answers.  I picture it kind of like a Jay Leno Jay-Walking segment.  But instead of crazy answers that Jay gets during that bit, I bet there would be a lot of silence and ummmm's

The question of "why is that important" is interesting to me because it's kind of like asking "why is Jesus important" which then leads into "who is Jesus to you?"  Jesus himself asked that very question of His disciples, his very close, most trusted friends.  In Matthew 16:15 He asks, "Who do you say I am?"  Imagine if Jesus himself went around asking people on the street in Jay Leno fashion, "Who do you say I am?"  I'm sure there would be several ummmm answers.  He'd probably even get the occassional "you're God's son" or "you are the guy who died on the cross." or maybe, "aren't you the one who walked on water?"

All true answers, but all not really the right answers.  When Jesus asked the question "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter was the one who got it right, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Matthew 15:16  Upon hearing this answer, Jesus was excited and blessed Peter.  Jesus is the Messiah, meaning the Savior,  He's the one sent by God to redeem man and save his soul.  Redeem man from what?  Sin.  All man is sinful, and sin separates man from God the Father.  God gave us a gift for Christmas...the gift of grace, forgiveness, salvation and of freedom.  It's the greatest gift ever and we did nothing to earn it because it cannot be earned.  There is no amount of "good deeds" man can do to earn salvation.  It comes simply from accepting God's gift through Christ Jesus.    

The best present ever!
God is the most amazing gift-giver of all!  The very well known scripture John 3:16 illustrates this well, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  God gave His one and only Son to man and all we have to do to receive the gift of eternal life is to believe in Him.   This is not to say people need to just believe that Jesus was the Son of God.  A person can believe that Jesus was the Son of God but still not accept Him as their Savior.  Many people believe Jesus was God's son, but don't have Him in their hearts.  You must believe that Jesus is your Savior, and you must have a personal relationship with Him to really receive God's gift of salvation.  

The BIG question..
So now ask yourself this question, "If God had a big-box retail store, would I line up at 2:00am to receive His free gift?"  During this Christmas season I will be praying for you and others who do not yet have a personal relationship with Christ.  For anyone who knows of who Jesus was, but does not who He is.  I know thousands of other Christ-followers will be praying for you also, for you to accept the true meaning of CHRISTmas.  It's God's desire to have you in His Kingdom.  Remember the second part of John 3:16 "...that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 
Merry Christmas! 

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