Monday, April 30, 2012


Ever have those moments when you are so moved by something that you feel as though you are floating?  This is how I’ve been feeling since Saturday.  This weekend our church (Crossroads) held its annual Men’s “Advance”.  The women of Crossroads hold a Women’s Retreat each Fall.   The Men, unwilling to accept the term “retreat” instead hold an annual Men’s “Advance”!

Weekend overview
Early Saturday morning men from area churches gathered at the East Aurora Theater to watch a showing of the film Courageous.  After the movie was over, special guest speaker Rev. Chuck Stecker (retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and current ordained Minister from Colorado) spoke to us at the theater.

Afterwards we went back to Crossroads church for a huge lunch and fellowship. Following lunch, all the men met in the main sanctuary for more words of motivation by Chuck Stecker.

Sunday service was the crown on the weekend with the men signing their Resolutions in the presence of the entire church body.
My personal highlights
 (Note, if you haven’t seen the movie, and are planning on seeing it, the paragraphs below contain spoilers).  I personally think this movie should be required viewing for any man who wants to lead his family in a way pleasing to God.  I won’t recap the whole movie, just see it and you’ll understand!
This was my third time seeing the film, but the first time seeing it in the company of 186 Godly men!  I find it amazing that each time I am brought to tears at different points in the movie.  This time the scene that got to me was when the family was around the dinner table several weeks after they had experienced the loss of Emily.  The father (Adam) was talking about his day and something funny that happened (remember Snake Kings!).  The family was laughing, and then a pause. The teen son (Dylan) got quiet, and broke down and cried about not having been a good enough brother to his sister (Emily).
The other scene that got to me was when the girl was being chased by the drug dealers who were looking to use her as a hostage.  At the end of that scene, that little girl’s father who had helped the police subdue the criminals was seen holding her tightly and her arms wrapped around her dad.  Adam was looking at her as he was lying on the ground in pain after fighting the drug dealer.  I could see he was thinking about Emily and his loss.  Adam watched as this father held his daughter with her arms around her daddy’s neck knowing she was now safe and protected.
Chuck Stecker’s talk at the theater
He had asked us to think about some things before the movie started, to pay attention to a few scenes that he reflected on in his talk. The phrase, “Hanging on to the wheel” is one.  Meaning when things in life get difficult, you don’t let go of the wheel, as in you don’t give in to the temptation (like Shane did).  Immediately after the movie, Chuck said that there are those who will see the movie and agree with the message, but won’t stick around to do the “hard stuff”.  To do the things that will take this from just a movie to a movement.  It’s a tough message to hear whether you are a Christian man or not.  The movie confronts you and makes you ask yourself the difficult questions.  Am I the man or father I want to be to my family?  I pray for those few who aren’t willing to go beyond viewing the movie, I pray that they decide to take on the hard stuff.  Perhaps, their hearts will soften and the seed planted from seeing the movie will grow in them.
Lunch at Crossroads
Besides being an amazing meal and a well-organized event, I loved that so many of the women of Crossroads were volunteering at the luncheon.  They were greeting the men as we arrived and were so helpful for the whole lunch.  I had the feeling that the women were happy and willing to be supportive of what we men were doing that day.  The response from the women was truly a “God thing”.  I was able to sit and share a meal with men who are twice my age but we shared the same bond…fatherhood.
Chuck Stecker’s talk in the main sanctuary
I loved that Chuck did not stand at the pulpit, but stood in the aisle right in the middle of all us.  It was incredible seeing the broad spectrum of men in that sanctuary: grandfathers, fathers, brothers, friends, cousins, teens…everyone!  Chuck stood before us wearing a Courageous t-shirt and began to challenge us.  He inspired us and motivated us with his no-holds-barred in-your-face message to lead our families as God designed.  He read straight from The Bible and showed how the themes in Courageous are in fact Biblical and Godly.  I won’t go into the details of what he said out of respect for the privacy and nature of the message as it was intended only for the men in that sanctuary at that very moment. 
The moment that impacted me the most, was being able to lay hands on a man there who stood to give his life over to Christ.  There were probably a dozen other men who made that choice at that moment on Saturday, and I happened to be seated next to one of those humble and courageous men.  He was from another church and stood when Chuck asked if any man was willing to give his life over to Christ.  Chuck then asked anyone standing near those men who were making the commitment, to stand with them and lay hands on them while we prayed and they gave themselves to Jesus.  It was amazingly powerful, humbling, and simply magnificent.  I’ll never forget it.
Sunday service
Chuck Stecker preached on Sunday to the entire church, but this time he was dressed in a suit and tie for the occasion.  To me, this represented something significant as well.  I’m not sure if it was intentional or not.  Saturday we were all dressed down (including Chuck) t-shirts, jeans, etc. and he spoke to the men from the floor of the sanctuary.  It was a raw message that was not masked by any kind of ceremony or visual distraction.  Sunday, wearing a suit signified to me that we’ve received our marching orders and have stepped up to do the hard stuff, to take on the battles that were in front of us and we were going to do it as men.  We were suited up!
During the service, a moment came where we all read aloud the Resolutions.  We did this in front of our families, friends and church.  Afterwards we each signed our Resolutions and had two witnesses sign them for us.  I asked my friend in Christ, Tim who was next to me to be a witness and sign my Resolution.  I did not take this lightly and neither did Tim.  He asked me to sign his as well.  Tim has had his copy of the Resolution for quite some time now and had said during a Men’s breakfast that he was waiting to sign it with the rest of the men.  I know this movie meant a lot to him and signing this Resolution was important to him.  How honored and humbled I am to have Tim ask me to sign his Resolution as a witness knowing that this is going to be framed and hanging on a wall in is home.
After the sermon, I was still in the sanctuary and was contemplating who to ask to be my second witness, when my friend Tom came over.  He and his wife are new parents and we’ve become friends over the past two years since working together in the REACH ministry for young married couples.  Tom asked me to sign his Resolution as a witness and I immediately knew I wanted Tom to be my second witness.  I wanted two Christian men who I knew would help me be accountable to the Resolution.  These two men I knew I could look to for support.  God provided those two men for me on Sunday.

Sunday’s sermon finished with an amazing circle of prayer for the women and children of Crossroads.  We ended with a shout of celebration that I pray was heard beyond those walls!
Knowing that our young boys weren’t going to be part of the Sunday Resolution signing and that my wife was teaching Sunday school to the 2nd and 3rd graders (bless her!), we decided to do something special for our family Sunday evening.  Crab dinner!  The boys love crab legs.  So we marked the day and had a very special dinner.  Afterwards, as we ate our dessert I showed them two clips from the movie.  The first was the scene where the men signed their Resolutions, and the second clip was the ending scene here Adam calls out all men to be men of courage and he proclaimed “I WILL!”  I then showed them my signed Resolution and they asked me to read it to them.  I did and we talked about each one.  Of course...after we were done with that, they wanted to watch the “Snake Kings” scene!  So we did that too!  An amazing weekend that’s moved me in so many incredible ways!

Below are some references from the movie
Resolution ceremony

Final scene

“Courageous” – Casting Crowns

We were made to be courageous
We were made to lead the way
We could be the generation
That finally breaks the chains
We were made to be courageous
We were made to be courageous
We were warriors on the front lines
Standing, unafraid
But now we're watchers on the sidelines
While our families slip away
Where are you, men of courage?
You were made for so much more
Let the pounding of our hearts cry
We will serve the Lord
We were made to be courageous
And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous
And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand
Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous
Lord, make us courageous
This is our resolution
Our answer to the call
We will love our wives and children
We refuse to let them fall
We will reignite the passion
That we buried deep inside
May the watchers become warriors
Let the men of God arise
We were made to be courageous
And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous
And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand
Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous
Lord, make us courageous
Seek justice, Love mercy, Walk humbly with your God
In the war of the mind
I will make my stand
In the battle of the heart
And the battle of the hand
In the war of the mind
I will make my stand
In the battle of the heart
And the battle of the hand
We were made to be courageous
And we're taking back the fight
We were made to be courageous
And it starts with us tonight
The only way we'll ever stand
Is on our knees with lifted hands
Make us courageous
Lord, make us courageous
We were made to be courageous
Lord, make us courageous

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