Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Things I learned from watching Little House on the Prairie

· Kiss your wife when you come home.
· Don't be a grump to your family.
· Friends will help you when you are in need.
· Don't forget to wash before meals.
· Sunday's are for church and rest.
· God can in fact plow your field for you
· Make your word be your word
· You can get what you need with hard work.
· When you are sick, listen to your doctor.
· Bad people will lose in the end.
· Moms are selfless and love their kids unconditionally
· Do unto others
· Only buy what you can afford to pay for
· Don't fight with others
· Honesty has its rewards
· A man can't keep what he can't pay for
· If you complain instead of work, you'll go hungry
· Don't give up
· Never spend your money before the crops are harvested, a hailstorm might be coming

1 comment:

  1. Love this! We watch Little House every night at 6pm before the kids go to bed. We have the whole series on DVD (Jonathan's Christmas present 2 years ago) You just don't see quality TV programs like this anymore! Great family values :)
