Thursday, November 7, 2013


I love music.
There, that could easily end this blog post. But, it’s a statement of fact. I love music.
The Artist
When I was in grade school and college, I really enjoyed Art. I liked to draw, I liked Art history and all sorts of Art related activities. I recall an important incident that happened once when I was taking a college Art class. The instructor was talking about how he loved Art and that Art was his passion. He said that when he sees a great work of Art he gets goose-bumps. He actually has a physical reaction to Art. Thinking that I too was passionate about Art, I immediately wondered why I never got goose-bumps when I saw a great work of Art. This kind of bothered me. Maybe I just liked Art. Maybe it wasn't my passion. I then started thinking to myself, “if it’s not Art, then what is it that actuallydoes give me goose-bumps?”
Best of the 1980s
Almost immediately, music popped into my head as the answer. Music. Back then and up to today, when I hear really powerful song lyrics, or unique vocals or someone expressing their heart and passion using whatever instrument they are playing, I get goose-bumps. I’ve gone through many musical phases in my life. Back in the 1980’s it was classic rock and heavy metal. I think the first record album (yes, vinyl) I bought was Queen, The Game. Admit it, you owned it too. Also in my vinyl collection you could find, Van Halen, Quiet Riot, The Doors and multiple K-Tel compilation albums such as Metal Hits of the 80’s and Greatest Guitar Rock. Admit it, you owned these too.
Skate or die
In my later teens, I followed the skate-punk music scene specifically straight-edge hardcore. If you don’t know what straight-edge hardcore is, it’s very loud, fast punk music with a no drugs, no drinking, no sex message. Against the teenage-grain so to speak. I’ve been into jazz, hip-hop, rock, grunge, alternative, blues, reggae, SKA, classic country, folk, pop and R&B. I still enjoy listening to most of this music even today. If you check my iPod, you’ll see I’m telling the truth! There is very little in the world of music I don’t enjoy to some extent.
Jesus rock?
Christian music however….I could do without that. Bunch of Jesus freaks singing about Jesus. Freaks. I paid zero attention to it. It was irrelevant in my life. I guess that was kind of my view on Jesus in general back then. Paid no attention to Him, He was irrelevant in my life. But that was ok. That was before I knew who He was, before I knew what He could do in my life. Now I know who He is, and what He’s doing in my life. If you told me even 4 years ago that I’d be not only listening to Christian music, but I’d also be playing it and getting those goose-bumps from it, I would have thought you were nuts. But there is just something extremely powerful about it. It’s in the lyrics, the worship of God. It’s in the crescendo of certain songs, the build-up to celebration! It’s in the way some of those songs cause you to pray in the middle, cause your spirit to be at peace, cause you to connect with God right then and there. Its’ the goose-bumps
Class, meet Mr. Youtube your Music Instructor
These songs boast about God, praise God and thanks God. The musicians who sing them have amazing vocals that add so much emotion to the words they are singing. As a novice guitar player, I really like that fact that these songs are simple in structure, and in general easy to learn to play. I’m amazed that so many of these “famous” Christian artists have posted how-to play videos on Youtube so that church worship leaders can learn the songs and play them on a Sunday morning. I’ve taken lessons from Paul Baloche, Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman all without leaving my computer. They know these are not their songs, they are all of our songs we can use to sing to God. I think that most are so easy to play so that we can all play them and sing them out and expose others to Jesus through song. One way Missionaries reach people in foreign countries where the encounter a language barrier is through music. It’s worship of God, through music. So powerful. Goose-bumps.
Studio 412
Most nights I will spend some amount of time in my attic (studio) practicing worship and praise songs on my guitar. I have a small space set up with guitars, stands, computer, microphone, drums and various other miscellaneous instruments. This is my time to connect, to worship and praise through music. Some of my most intense, spirit-filled conversation about God, Jesus and life have occurred in that attic studio with my transplanted friend from Oregon after a session of guitar playing and worship. My 9 year old son is learning to play the stand-up bass. We practice daily and he really enjoys it. Often times both of my boys will be in the attic studio where we mess around with harmonicas and drums and guitars. I might even get them to sing into the microphone we have, just like a “professional” musician does.
Studio 4wd
Often times when we are driving in the car somewhere as a family, we’ll have a praise and worship CD playing. There’s lots of attempted singing from me and my wife and the boys too. But they really like to listen to the lyrics with great interest. We’ll often use this time to expand on what the lyrics are saying and answering their questions. It’s a great time for us all to grow and bond spiritually. Try it sometime.
Worship band
Recently, I was driving with my boys and had a praise and worship CD played…I was doing my best to sing.
The cd had ended and there was a pause…
it was in that pause moment that my oldest broke the quiet and said, “Dad..”
(I could tell he had been sitting there thinking about something for a while.)
He said, “Dad, one day I want to play bass in a worship band with you.” I looked at him in the rear-view mirror and could tell he was completely serious. I smiled back at him and said, “I’d really like that too.” 
My heart was filled with joy and I got goose-bumps.
Today I am thankful that God has given us music as a way to praise and worship Him.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Give Ephesians 5:20

November is a great month because there is always a real sense of thankfulness inspired by the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.  Today I am thankful for John 3:16 (NIV), “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
My first memory of this scripture is seeing people holding up John 3:16 signs at sporting events. I must admit there was a time in my life where I had no idea that it was even a bible verse. In time, I figured out that it was scripture and even I recall looking it up in the Bible. At that time to me, the Bible was just a dusty-old-outdated-lengthy-book about God that was a boring read written in some archaic language that only King James could understand. Having no idea where John 3:16 even was, I began to fumble through the pages, and then decided to look back at the table of contents. Eventually, I found it…and read it… and closed the book. I had kind of a “hmmm, well, whatever” reaction to it. I think I was expecting some kind of miraculous message to overwhelm me when I finally read this mysterious, well-advertised verse.

Seriously, why would someone go through the trouble of holding up a John 3:16 poster at a game if the words weren’t something amazing? My problem was that I was reading this scripture (and others) as though the Bible was written as a novel or a textbook. If you read scripture with this kind of mindset (absent of spiritual guidance), you just won’t get it. And I didn’t get it. Why was John 3:16 important enough for someone to take the time to write it on a poster board, buy tickets to a game and hold it up for fans at the game and on TV to read it? 

Having made an incredible spiritual journey since dusting off a Bible years ago in order to read John 3:16 for the first time, I now know exactly why those people take the time to write it out on a poster board, buy tickets to a game and hold it up for all to see. This verse is a key message of salvation. I get that now and it’s extremely powerful…just like I get that old-outdated-lengthy boring Bible now, and it’s extremely powerful. John 3:16 contains so much in that one verse. God gives us a free gift that can’t be earned, it only needs to be accepted and you live for eternity with God. He loves His creation so much, He wants to be with us forever!
Simple, yet so complex.
The simplicity is in its concept, “here’s a gift, take it.”
The complexity is in the acceptance, “this gift is free, you did not earn it, enjoy will change everything about you forever.”
It’s amazing and difficult.
It’s beautiful and challenging.
It’s wonderful and a struggle.
It's peaceful, it's restful...
I am thankful for this gift from my God.

Ephesians 5:20 "always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"